Cost Per Wear: Why It’s Effective

Today we’re talking about something that comes in handy a lot if you are into the finer things in life. I’m talking luxury fashion. Cost per wear is a calculation that shows you how much your luxury piece is really going to cost depending on how much you are planning to wear/use it. If you spend $5,000 on a handbag that you carry 10 months out of the year that comes to $500 per month or about $17 per wear. Or $300 on a t-shirt that you wear twice a month for 6 months ends up being $25 per wear. 


Cost per wear becomes quite effective in deciding on what luxury pieces are worth it or not. Some people may think it’s ludicrous to spend $600 on a wallet but if you use that wallet everyday you’ve paid for it almost two times over in the first year you bought it. Quality and craftsmanship aside, cost per wear gives you a reality check on what pieces you should add to your collection and which ones you may be able to pass on. 

People by luxury fashion for all types of reasons but if you’re looking to own pieces that add value to your collection but you also enjoy on the regular, use cost per wear as part of the criteria when evaluating whether or not to pull the trigger on a luxury purchase. Cost per wear can also play an important role in buying seasonal pieces and basics not just luxury. Cost per wear can help you make smart purchases and avoid overspending.

I find this particularly effective during the holiday season! Sales can be misleading as well. You think you’re getting a good deal because you’re not paying regular price, and you end up buying a bunch of things you never wear. Wasn’t really a good deal after all.

Live it. Love it. Style it.