Curly Girl Must Haves

Curly girls are presented with a very unique set of obstacles with their hair but we also learn and hone a very unique skill set. We know exactly what tools we need! Now this comes from a lot of trial and error but never the less I will share what I have learned as a light to new curlies so their struggle won’t be as real as mine was!

I have type 3B curls, I’m right in the middle not super tight but not wavy. My curls crave moisture and so does my scalp.

I look for products that don’t have ingredients that harm my hair or add to problems I’m trying to eliminate. For me not a lot of alcohols they can be drying, no parabens or phylates which are chemicals used for preservative properties but are harmful to the makeup of curly hair, and no sulfates.

Also for me, I’m heat free. I haven’t applied heat to my hair in about four years now. There are ways to use heat on your hair in a healthy way but I choose to wear my curls no matter what.

Once you get a few basics down for what you want and what your hair needs the rest is pretty easy these days. There are so many products and methods out there now for how to take proper care of your curly hair. At this point it really is just trial and error. Somethings work better than others, some products work better than others.

Products/Brands in my current rotation:

I say rotation because your hair can become accustom to the products you use which is why it’s not bad to switch it up now and then. Curly girls almost have to become product junkies.

  1. Bounce Curl: leave in, cream gel, clump and define cream
  2. Curls: pineapple shampoo/conditioner, leave in
  3. Cantu: leave in cream
  4. Miss Jessie’s: pillow soft curls

Must have tools for curly girls:

  1. wide tooth comb
  2. brush (only when your hair is wet!)
  3. shower cap
  4. scrunchies
  5. scarves/bonnets/caps (maybe a satin/silk pillow case)
  6. spray bottle/mister


Products/brands I can’t wait to get my hands on:

  1. Verb!!!!!
  2. more Bounce Curl
  3. Raw Sugar

Please share your tips and tricks and questions with me!

Live it. Love it. Style it.