5 Lifestyle Rules That Have Changed my Life

Hello! Today I want to talk to you about 5 lifestyle rules that not only do I swear by but they have completely changed my life.

Let’s jump in:

  1. Budgeting- as it relates to savings

What I do: I set my budget up by how much I’m going to put where. I know how much my bills are each month and I know exactly how much I’m going to save. That way I know what’s left over each month for me.

How this has helped: This has created discipline in my financial life. I have been able to work toward some lofty financial goals so far and it has reined in my spending. It has allowed me to see what I can live without and enjoy the things I do spend my money on more.

2. Applying a color scheme to my wardrobe

What I do: I took a look at my clothes and saw that I tend to gravitate more towards a certain color and I also looked at my most worn pieces. I picked three colors to concentrate on and decided to stick with mostly solids. I removed everything else from my closet.

How this helped: This has cut down on the time it takes for me to put together an outfit and it has helped me realize what my personal style is. This has taken the guess work out of what looks good together or is this going to be comfortable. I have a curated closet of items I like and know look good on me. I feel as though I am no longer a slave to trends and I’ve refined my style to exactly what I like and what’s me.

3. I eat the same thing for lunch everyday

What I do: I know you’re asking yourself why would you do this? Doesn’t that get boring? Let me clarify: I do this at work during the week and I do it with salad. Yes I’m eating a salad everyday but it’s not the same salad everyday. I switch up dressing, toppings, and protein i.e. meat.

How this helped: Salads are extremely versatile, easy to prepare, easy to transport, and inexpensive. So even though it seems like the same thing everyday it’s really not. Plus this takes the guess work out of what I’m having for lunch and keeps me from unhealthy alternatives like fast food.


4. Washing the dishes before bed

What I do: If there are dishes they must be washed before I go to bed that night. I try to clean as I cook so the dishes don’t pile up on me.

How this helped: In the morning especially on the weekdays my main focus is getting ready for work and out the door. It’s nice coming into the kitchen and not seeing a sink full of dishes. Also it eliminates the anxiety I carry with me all day knowing I have to come home and clean up after I’ve worked all day.

5. Treating myself everyday even if it’s small

What I do: I try not to keep sweets in the house because it’s unhealthy and I have no discipline in this area but what I do like to keep on hand are chocolate chips. I keep them in the freezer and that’s my night time sweet snack. It’s something that is completely for me and something I can look forward to at the end of the day. Or playing a song that I love on repeat during my commute to work and singing at the top of my lungs.

How it helped: In my opinion treating yourself should never be an occasional thing because you should enjoy life everyday and treats are apart of that. So many people and women especially don’t take time for themselves in any area of their life. It’s so focused on others (families, friends, co-workers, etc.). We often times are burdened with being the care givers and care takers but never stop to think who takes care of me? Take care of yourself! Treats come in all shapes and sizes. It can be something you indulge in each day like a sweet treat, listening to music you love, dancing around your house, taking a long bath each night, watching your favorite shows each week, enjoying your favorite meal each week, etc. Whatever it is make it special for you. This has slowed me down and allowed me to value myself in the context of self love. I do these things for me because I love me. Love is not something you can leave to others exclusively, at the end of the day I’m all I’ve got, so I’m going to love me, cherish, me, and treat me.

Live it. Love it. Style it.

Three Masks You Should be Using

Happy Monday! Today I’ve got three masks you should be using to turn your whole beauty game up a notch.

  1. Lip masks

Lip mask are essential for hydration. Summer is here and so it the HEAT! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again your largest organ is your skin and what do organs need HYDRATION! Don’t forget your lips! You want beautiful lush looking lips keep them soft and supple with a lip mask. You can wear them while your doing your makeup to make applying your lip products smooth. The best part they’re just fun to wear!

2. Under eye masks

These. Are. Game. Changers. Do you have problems with puffiness, dryness, fine lines, discoloration? Get you some under eye masks! Again hydration is going to help with all of these problems. Hydrated skin just looks better.

3. Foot masks

Yes I said foot. As I mentioned summer is here and we are going to want to get those sandals out! Well let’s start taking better care of our feet especially if we’re going to have them out and about for all to see. Foot masks are again going to hydrate (do you see a pattern here?) and help keep those toes, heels, and everything in between looking smooth, soft, and sandal ready!


Best part of all of this? You can pamper yourself! Who doesn’t like to throw on a mask or three and just chill? I know I do! Take them time to always take care of you. #selfcare

Live it. Love it. Style it.

Microaggression: The Fancy Name for Shade and 3 Ways to Deal With It

Microaggression has come up a lot lately in terms of the workplace but you can experience microaggression or shade in any setting.

I know there are a lot of people out there that don’t like confrontation especially with people you don’t know very well. No matter if this is workplace related or not here are three ways to nip it in the bud:

  1. Be the Bigger Person

Often times you don’t have to give into someone else’s pettiness in order to resolve the conflict. More often than not once a person determines they aren’t going to get anywhere with you in that manner they will back off.

2. Call it Out

This is the quickest way to stop shade. Often with people that don’t know you well like on the job you can shut shade down immediately by calling it out. Once a person comes to realize that this is a no shade zone they will leave you alone.

3. Shade Them Back

I’ll admit this is not the greatest option but if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Again with people that don’t know you very well it can be a little off putting once you hit back with the shade. This could turn into a we see each other situation and either the shade monster will back down or hit back for shade dominance. Either way if you choose this option be prepared to go all in.

If you have or are currently experiencing microaggression definitely take the steps you need to in order to address it. Often times it can be a misunderstanding or a situation where you need to assert yourself to let the people around you know you’re not the one.

Live it. Love it. Style it.